Forum: Analoge Elektronik und Schaltungstechnik Problems to compare impedance AD5933 and Agilent LCR meter E4980A

von Daphne (daphnepaag)



I´m currently working with the impedance converter AD5933. I´m having 
some problems to compare the data that I get from the AD5933 with a LRC 
I start my measurement by configurating my frequency start, the 
increment and number of increments. In my case I´m running frequency 
sweep with a range from 1kHz to 100kHz.

I started by calculating the gain factor with a know impedance, and then 
I start my measurement. I get the real and the imaginary data from the 
register specify at the datasheet, then I calculate the magnitude and 
the impedance also with the formulas that are in the datasheet.

However when I want to compare the impedance that I get with a LCR 
meter, the data is different and I don´t really know why. I have done 
some examples as explained in the datasheet but I don´t know if there is 
any detail that I´m missing.

To double check my data I also got the resistive and reactive from my 
impedance convertor and the phase (as specify in the datasheet) but I 
have not yet have any success.

Have someone had something similar?


von Hp M. (nachtmix)


Daphne schrieb:
> However when I want to compare the impedance that I get with a LCR
> meter, the data is different and I don´t really know why.

Have you ever tested the readings with a pure ohmic resistor?

von Christoph M. (mchris)


>However when I want to compare the impedance that I get with a LCR
>meter, the data is different and I don´t really know why.

Can you show a graph which compares the two impedance curves and phase 
curves? What device under test do you use?
It could be a could idea to use a well known circuit like a LCR 
resonance circuit to test the measurement setup and compare it to the 
reference LCR meter.

von Daphne (daphnepaag)


Yes, I have try to read just ohmic resistance and I get the values 
right, I try with different resistances and I had no problem, however 
when I add a capacitor in parallel and then I run a frequency sweep and 
try the same with the LRC meter the results are not matching any more.

von Daphne (daphnepaag)


so from the datasheet 
I´m following the "measuring the phase across an impedance" section.

The first step says that I should add a know impedance between the Vin 
and Vout, in my case I´m using a 200K resistor. From this value I should 
get the impedance phase of the system, my result is the chart attach.
Once this step is done, it says in the datasheet that I should use an 
unknow impedance and also run a frequency sweep.

Once I have those values I need to get the Impedance phase from the 
"unknow impedance", and to do so rest the impedance from the unknow 
resistance - phase from the system.

I did this calculation and my results are the charts label "Unknow 
impedance phase". Once that part was done I compare with my LRC meter 
and the results were not that far from each other.

However!! I run the same measurement with a capacitor, in this case a 
4.3nF and did the same procedure and in the datasheet it says that the 
difference between capacitor to resistance should be -90. But I don´t 
get those results and the data that I obtain from the impedance 
converter AD5933 is not matching with the data from the LRC meter.

I have check my calculations and the data but I have not been success on 
finding the error.

Maybe if you see something that I´m not seeing you could please let me 
know :)


von Christoph M. (mchris)


>However!! I run the same measurement with a capacitor, in this case a
>4.3nF and did the same procedure and in the datasheet it says that the
>difference between capacitor to resistance should be -90

-90 .. what unit?

von Christoph M. (mchris)


Do you understand what phase means? It is important to not confuse the 
phase angle given in degrees and the phase angle given in radiants.

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